Important Information

Communion to the sick

Any parishioner who is going to or is already in the hospital and would like a visit or to receive Holy Communion should call Fr. Mikhail Kouts at (352) 667-1621. When you are admitted to the hospital it is very important to tell them that you are a Ukrainian Catholic. If a parishoner is unable to attend the Divine Liturgy due to an illness and wishes to receive the Eucharist please notify Fr. Kouts.

Oak Hill Hospital

Fr. Kouts is a Chaplain at Oak Hill Hospital. Please let them know that you are Catholic and would like "Fr. Mike" to come and pray with you or to receive the Eucharist (Roman Catholic or Ukrainian Catholic). Or you may call him directly (352) 667-1621.

Victims of Sexual Abuse

If any one has been a victim of sexual abuse by the clergy, employee or volunteer, he or she should come forward and make it known to their Pastor or Bishop. The Bishop can be reached at his chance by dialing (400) 888-1522, or writing to him at P.O.BOX 347180, Parma 44134.
You may also report it to the Assistance Co-ordinator Maika Zaliszczuk tel# (412 215-5372


If you would like to contribute to the Church Building Fund Please make checks payable to St Andrew's Ukrainian Catholic Church and mail or drop off to:
8064 Weeping Willow St.
Brooksville, Fl 34613


8064 Weeping Willow St.
Brooksville, Fl 34613
(352) 667-1621
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